February 8th, 2024

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Bannyverse Project Deployment

The Bannyverse project is being prepared for deployment on testnets with the aim to move to production towards the end of the month. The focus is on deploying the original Bannyverse deploy script, which now includes cross-chain functionality thanks to the addition of “sucker” components for handling payments across different blockchains.

Cross-Chain Functionality

A significant portion of the meeting was dedicated to discussing the cross-chain aspects of the project. This includes ensuring that Bannyverse can sell on mainnet, on Optimism, and on other chains going forward. The underlying infrastructure allows for revenue on any chain to funnel into the same Revnet, representing an advancement towards “Ethereum multiculturalism”. The discussion also covered the technical challenges and solutions related to deploying across multiple chains.

Revnet Configuration and Deployment

The Revnet for Bannyverse, which aggregates revenue from various sources, is a critical piece of the project. The deploy script for setting up the Revnet was reviewed, highlighting the process for defining constants, configuring payment terminals, and setting up stages for token issuance. The script is considered a significant achievement, allowing for a comprehensive deployment with a compact piece of code.

Deploy Script Extension and Adaptability

There was considerable discussion on how the deploy script could be extended or adapted for future projects. The need for a user-friendly interface was acknowledged, as well as the possibility of making the deployment process more generic for various types of projects. The concept of using the deploy script for different project configurations was visited, emphasizing the script’s reuse potential.

Cross-Chain Payment Mechanism

The concept of a “sucker” was introduced as a mechanism for handling payments across chains. This component allows for payments to be “sucked” from one chain to the project’s primary chain, facilitating a unified revenue stream. The meeting explored how to incorporate this component into the deployment process and its implications for future deployments.

While much of the discussion focused on technical details, there were brief mentions of legal and partnership considerations. The need for risk management with cross-chain deploys was highlighted, as well as the challenge of ensuring that people contribute to the Revnet instead of bypassing it. Additionally, the possibility of applying the deploy script and Revnet model to other projects was discussed in the context of fulfilling legal and partnership requirements.

Ancillary Discussions

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