January 18th, 2024

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Revnets and Their Setups

A significant part of the meeting was focused on understanding and planning Revnet setups. Participants discussed the concept of Revnets as a means to establish financial relationships using smart contracts. These networks are designed such that they set rules upfront, allowing participants to support something confidently with a transparent view of the financial flow.

Audio issues during the meeting

The meeting faced several technical difficulties with participants, including Jango, experiencing audio issues which hindered smooth communication. Some had to rely on text chat to convey their messages.

Concept and Mechanics of Revnets

The group conversed about the mechanics of Revnets and how they differ from traditional financial solutions like bonding curves. They considered various audience perspectives, such as those with DeFi backgrounds, DAO experience, or familiarity with bonding curves, and how Revnets could be explained in terms that resonate with those different experiences.

Use Cases and Audience Understanding of Revnets

Participants explored how different people might perceive and use Revnets. The discussion touched on creating documents or guidelines that would help users from various backgrounds understand the utility of Revnets in contexts like DeFi or DAOs. Participants highlighted that explaining the incentive structures and mechanics was crucial in this regard.

Workshopping Projects for Revnet Implementation

Several members pitched their projects for brainstorming on how they could implement Revnets. The discussions delved into details like construction of stages, fundraising, operational phases, and configuring parameters for Revnets. They examined how these elements would interact and the potential incentives and dynamics introduced by Revnet structures.

Deployment and Functionality of Revnets

The conversion angled towards practical steps for deploying and configuring Revnets. Participants considered UI/UX challenges in presenting Revnets to less technical users and potential solutions that might bridge comprehension gaps. There was an acknowledgment of the still-emergent nature of Revnets and a call to prepare proposals that effectively communicate their benefits.

Croptop Application and Its Integration with Revnets

The group reviewed an application named Croptop, designed for decentralized content sharing and integrated with Revnets. They discussed the user experience and how it differed from current social media paradigms by emphasizing user-initiated content discovery. The app’s approach to on-chain and peer-to-peer content propagation was highlighted as innovative.

Potential Use of Revnets in Music and Entertainment

There was a discussion about extending Revnets and related platforms, such as Croptop, into the music and entertainment industries. They contemplated how artists could leverage such technologies for more engagement and fair revenue distribution, potentially even setting up “prediction markets” for anticipated plays or streams.

The Defifa Project and Its Potential Expansion

KMac presented an update on their project, Defifa, and its plans for evolution into an arcade-style game platform. The group considered various ways to introduce strategic elements into the game, such as alliances and negotiation, and how Revnets might play a role in distributing funds among participants.

Throughout the meeting, technical challenges were a recurring theme, with several participants struggling with microphone issues and internet connectivity. However, despite these hurdles, the group managed to have detailed discussions on the potential and functionality of Revnets, the practicalities of project development, and the exploration of new avenues for decentralized financial relationships.

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