
by Jango – originally shared on revnet.eth.limo

Revnets are revenue-backed up-only networks, great for funding and sustaining open source projects and internet networks.

Revnet token price chart

State of Internet Business

Open source software and openly accounted-for businesses should outcompeting everything.


Open source struggles to enforce revenue-generation to pay for innovation, maintenance, and growth, making its development reliant on free and inconsistent labor, donations, grants, or corporate sponsorship.


Revnets: A win-win-win openly-accounted-for growth model, for investors, builders, and retail customers of open source and beyond. Powered by the Juicebox and Uniswap protocols on Ethereum.

How It Works

  1. Investment & Revenue Capture: When revnets take in money, they issue out an option on that money to the payer, and possibly a little to a builder. This means each payer receives a rebate that increases in value as the network grows or shrinks.

  2. Scheduled Option Issuance: Fewer of these options get issued over time relative to the amount of money paid in, on a fixed schedule. This acknowledges the risks and contributions of earlier participants, increasing the value of existing options as new money comes in.

  3. Option Exercise & Value Appreciation: When the option is exercised, the remaining options become more valuable as the total pool of available options decreases more than the amount claimed from the revnet. The revnet’s money can only be accessed via these options, ensuring controlled access to the funds for those who need immediacy, while incentivizing patience and growth for everyone else.

  4. Market Dynamics: As liquidity is created, the options can be traded on exchanges, creating a market window between the ever-increasing price ceiling created by the price of issuing new options, and the ever-increasing price floor created by the value of exercising options. This market dynamic provides a bounded-but-tangible value proposition for initial and future investors, builders, and users.

A revnet’s fiscal policy results in the chart shown above. There are only few immutable parameters tuned when a revnet is deployed which determine the rate of price ceiling increases as the issuance of options decreases, and the intensity of price floor increases as options are exercised. Play with simulations at sim.revnet.app.

Learn more about how revnets work

Why Bet On Revnets

Revnets tie the act of paying for a public product to both a moral and financial incentive. By paying into the revnet, individuals not only fulfill a required or voluntary debt to the project and its supporting community, they also create a means of benefiting from future payment. This dual incentive structure motivates communities to support its own growth instead of opting for free alternatives that struggle to find sustainability.

Revnets are a clear, tangible, and equitable financial structure that address the long-standing monetization dilemma in open source, built specifically as an attractive model for networks of investors, builders, and fee-paying consumers alike.

Getting Involved

$REV specifications and information about the first season of revnets that’ll be live on revnet.app are available here.

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