
⏩ Articles and essays about Revnets. ⏩ ⭐ = recommended reading

  1. Revnets 101 by Jango – 101 crash course: everything you need to know about Revnets.
  2. About Revnets by Filip – basic intro.
  3. About Revnets by Jango – detailed intro.
  4. Revnets: Retailism in action by Jango – what makes Revnets different.
  5. Pitch by Jango – pitch to open source communities.
  6. Revnets 1 by Jango – first cohort of Revnets.
  7. From Tribes to Tokens by Kmac – how Revnets impact trust.
  8. Comparing Corporations with Revnets by Kmac.
  9. Monetary and Fiscal Policy via Revnet by Kmac.
  10. The Rise of Internet Orgs: Something Isn’t Working by pfitzy12 – part 1.
  11. Beyond the Shareholder Model by pfitzy12 – part 2.

有关Revnet/Retailism的文章可在 上用中文阅读。


Retailism is the underlying financial framework that Revnets are based on, envisioned by Jango. These writings were the precursor to Revnets, and some of the terminology may be out of date. ⭐ = recommended reading

  1. Retailism by Jango – the first conception.
  2. Retailism: a first look by Aeolian – a simple encapsulation.
  3. A Retailistic View on CAC and LTV by Jango – how customers can be evaluated under Retailism.
  4. Modeling Retailism by Jango – a simple introduction to modeling Retailism.
  5. Retailism for Devs, Investors, and Customers by Jango – Retailism pros/cons for different participants.
  6. Observations: Network dynamics by Jango – observations on how networks grow and shrink.


Other helpful articles.

  1. $JBX, $NANA, and $REV by Jango – the distinctions between various ecosystem governance tokens.

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